Monday, 12 March 2012

Digipaks To Distribute

The digipak is complete and also with an advert to promote it.

Inside (L)

Inside (R)


Magazine Advert

Each of these items were compiled in Photoshop. Starting with the Front Cover I took a picture of Ayo and then cropped it to show only half of him. 

I then added posturisation and a red screen gradient to relate back to the video's theme of love/ attraction and the colour of love is red.

After that I duplicated the picture of Ayo 4 times and roughly spaced them out equally by calculating 1000 ÷ 5 (1000px being the width of my album art and 5 pictures of Ayo). I also added a black gradient this time that got weaker from left to right. The fading graidents on Ayo were calculated by 100 ÷ 5 (100 being 100% gradient opacity).

 This is the text that was created in Photoshop for the music video. It appears in the video when Kashif approaches October. I also made the text interact with the video by making it fade away as they walked past it. Whilst making this front cover I thought of what could be great title text and felt that using the text from the video was unbeatable.

The 'VOLAS' text was spaced out to fit into the 5 sections consisting of Ayo's pictures. This was simply achieved by adding extra spaces whilst typing the text i.e. V    O    L    A    S.

Other various images were added to make the cover look more professional; a Twitter logo, my 'M' logo and a DVD logo. I added a DVD logo and not a CD one because it's a video digipak and CD's only play music/ audio. The DVD logo was also coloured white and complimented with a shadow drop because it didn't really stand out when it was black.

Finally, I added lens flares to various parts of text and red strokes to the lines that seperate Ayo's pictures. (But these lines also have a vertical gradient of black to red so the red only appears at the bottom). NOTE: The background on this image has been changed to black to show lens flares better.

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